Why Your Business Needs A Website?

It doesn’t matter whether you are a small, medium, or large business; having a website can benefit your business in many ways. In this digital world, if your business still doesn’t have a web presence, you are missing out on so much. Here are some points explaining the importance of having a website:

Your customers expect it

A website plays a significant role in the online presence of any business. Your potential and existing customers expect you to have a website where they can find more information about what you do, when you open and so on. With a website, you can deliver a marketing message to your visitors anytime you wish – pushing the products / services you offer.

Drive organic traffic

Another good thing about having a website is it can help you drive organic traffic. Once your website is created, working on SEO (search engine optimization) can help you generate organic traffic to your website. Organic traffic won’t cost any money, and it will drive high intent visitors.

Smoothen customer service

If you do not have a website, you might be getting calls from existing customers or prospects asking basic questions related to the business like location, working hours, etc. You can answer such questions on your website. This will save your time and will provide answers to your customers’ FAQs.

Updates, announcements, and offers

Additionally, your website can also be used for sharing updates, announcements, and offers with your prospects and existing customers. As the website is live 24/7, this is a great way to keep visitors up to date with the latest information about your business.

Maximise ROI

Last but not least, a website can help you maximise ROI (return on investment). A website is like a 24/7 store for your business. Creating this 24/7 store won’t cost you so much money. However, the ROI of a website would be incredible.

It’s getting easier to do it yourself

Depending on what you need, more and more people are building their own websites and learning. Of course, this takes time – which can be scarce when running your own business. For eCommerce websites (selling online), I’d recommend Shopify and for non-eCommerce websites, I’d recommend WordPress. Of course, you’ll need a domain too, e.g. www.businessname.co.uk, etc. from which I’d recommend either 1&1 or GoDaddy.